This video was made at GREIF VELOX in Lübeck, a BPE portfolio company that was acquired as part of an MBO in 2018.
Mandatory disclosures under the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector (EU) 2019/2088 (“Disclosure Regulation”):
I. Strategies for dealing with sustainability risks in investment decision-making processes (Article 3 of the Disclosure Regulation)
Currently, sustainability risks are not a separate component of the investment decision-making processes of BPE 4 Unternehmensbeteiligungen GmbH and BPE Unternehmensbeteiligungen G.m.b.H.
II. Mandatory disclosures on the consideration of adverse sustainability impacts at the level of BPE 4 Unternehmensbeteiligungen GmbH and BPE Unternehmensbeteiligungen G.m.b.H. (Article 4 of the Disclosure Regulation)
Article 4 of the Disclosure Regulation provides a framework for creating transparency regarding any adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. For this purpose, financial market participants such as BPE 4 Unternehmensbeteiligungen GmbH and BPE Unternehmensbeteiligungen G.m.b.H. must disclose certain information (in future taking into account so-called Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS)). At present, BPE 4 Unternehmensbeteiligungen GmbH and BPE Unternehmensbeteiligungen G.m.b.H. do not take into account any adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors, as they believe that the information provided to it by the portfolio companies in relation to the investments is not sufficient to enable them to do so. BPE 4 Unternehmensbeteiligungen GmbH and BPE Unternehmensbeteiligungen G.m.b.H. will monitor developments in the area of available information and examine whether it is reasonably possible in the future to disclose the information required by Article 4 of the Disclosure Regulation (including the future RTS).
III. Mandatory disclosures on remuneration policy in connection with the consideration of sustainability risks (Article 5 of the Disclosure Regulation)
BPE 4 Unternehmensbeteiligungen GmbH and BPE Unternehmensbeteiligungen G.m.b.H., as registered capital management companies within the context of § 2 para. 4 KAGB does not have remuneration guidelines (remuneration policy) in accordance with the requirements of the KAGB. As sustainability risks are not part of the investment decisions of BPE 4 Unternehmensbeteiligungen GmbH and BPE Unternehmensbeteiligungen G.m.b.H., no information can be provided on the compatibility of the remuneration policy with the inclusion of sustainability risks.